Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Commentary on classmates blog

It is an unfortunate case that should bring about new awareness to schools policies on supervision or even security. Obviously girls and boys around this age are just as capable of murder or firing a gun as an adult even though justice cannot be done because they are still only children in the grand scheme of things. Of course the mother would be upset losing a daughter but unfortunately at such a young age a typical punishment for other similar cases is time in a juvenile detention center. It is not fair but that is the law and the system we use I our country. Again, the important thing to get out of this horrible case is that something needs to be done to prevent it from happening in the future. We all need to learn from mistakes and flaws in our systems so that something like this can be avoided in the future. I agree that children should be escorted in and out of schools but that is not practiced nor are there any laws that enforce anything like this. When I was eleven I walked to school so I can understand how the opportunity for this fight to came about. But, that still doesn’t make it right. Our public education system compared to other countries is considered a fairly good program but that is in a separate category as far as ranking. We have a shockingly high percentage of incidences such as Joanna’s case as well as other cases related to drugs or weapons among our children in our school systems. I don’t know if I would go as far as to say the school is to blame because not everything can be prevented unless we put into action laws that require teachers to watch children entering and exiting before and after school. I would definitely agree that the school would be to blame if these laws were enforced at the time of the incident. The student should most definitely be charged in one form or another. If children aren’t punished for something this serious they will never learn. She should be punished in the most severe manner without a doubt because taking a life is horrific crime.  I also agree that some systems in our government need to be revised and altered. If it were my child I would want justice but at the same time I’ve lost friends and family to violence and know that no matter what the consequences are for the defendant no punishment will right the wrong done.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

teen pregnancy

In the news I have noticed many people discussing teen pregnancy and birth control so I looked more into it. I have friends that had children in high school so it was an interesting topic. New numbers show that less teenage girls are getting pregnant. In the last year the number of teenage pregnancy in the United States has fallen almost 10 percent. The reason behind this is the increased availability of birth control.
Some officials from the government are saying that the low numbers are due to increase in education on pregnancy and sex related issues even though the numbers of sexually active teenagers hasn't changed. 
In the last two years data shows that 10 percent more of teenage girls are  using contraceptive drugs. Doesn't seem like a coincidence.
Teen pregnancy is terrible for the country. These girls end up needing a lot of help and the government ends up paying for it. Romney wants to stop spending money on health clinics and planned parent hood but if that goes through you can bet that the positive numbers now will go way back up to where they were or worse. He also doesnt want new health care plans to cover or pay a large percentage of birth control for these teens. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Strip Searches

I was watching the news tonight and came across an interesting topic. The topic wasWhat should the limits be on the power of law enforcement to use strip searches on citizens that have been arrested regardless of the charges they are held on. The ruling was that there would not be a limit. The new law says that even if the police do not have reason to believe a person being arrested was carrying anything illegal they could still search you no matter how small the charge is. One judge was in favor of conservatives and wanted to clean up the streets by locking up criminals who were found with things on them that might not have been found otherwise without the new strip search law. A justice argued that the law invades people’s privacy. He thinks that unless an officer thinks for sure that the person arrested has something worth finding they shouldn’t be able to strip search. The case was primarily based off of a previous case that ended up being a flop. A state trooper pulled a man over and arrested him for not paying a fine and having a warrant even though the man claimed he had paid the ticket. The man was arrested anyway and strip searched twice. Later the records were proven incorrect and the man arrested was proven innocent. He claimed the strip searches that were conducted on him were unnecessary and embarrassing.
I understand the other arguments to this topic. Privacy is a big issue and I always want my privacy protected. However, more importantly I want the government to protect my butt first and foremost. If a gang member is arrested and let go because of a small charge when really he should have been taken down for carrying firearms and he ends up shooting me I think its safe to say I would have rather a strip search been conducted. I think it’s safe to say anyone would agree on that. If you don’t want to be strip searched try not breaking the law and then you won’t have to deal with the embarrassment. If you do get arrested then you shouldn’t have the right to turn a strip search down. If people would play by the rules none of this would matter anyway.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Initial Blog US Political Issues

I would like to start by stating the category in which i was placed for the quiz. I am a twenty two year old male from Dallas, Texas. The quiz categorised me as a Liberal. Mainly, the quiz states that I believe we need government to fight poverty as well as expand government programs to bring about equality. According to the quiz I am defined as a progressive in the US, but generally favor the retention of the current social paradigm. I was raised in a conservative household and brought up with "right" influence. I question the accuracy of the quiz but these were the results in summary none the less.

I feel the quiz was accurate on a few minor aspects but missed the main suits. I believe that the government needs work but not much expansion or growth. I do not believe the government should work towards making everyone equal as far as money is concerned. This country is based on the idea that your life is what you make of it. The man that earns more should have more and rightfully so.