Wednesday, April 18, 2012

teen pregnancy

In the news I have noticed many people discussing teen pregnancy and birth control so I looked more into it. I have friends that had children in high school so it was an interesting topic. New numbers show that less teenage girls are getting pregnant. In the last year the number of teenage pregnancy in the United States has fallen almost 10 percent. The reason behind this is the increased availability of birth control.
Some officials from the government are saying that the low numbers are due to increase in education on pregnancy and sex related issues even though the numbers of sexually active teenagers hasn't changed. 
In the last two years data shows that 10 percent more of teenage girls are  using contraceptive drugs. Doesn't seem like a coincidence.
Teen pregnancy is terrible for the country. These girls end up needing a lot of help and the government ends up paying for it. Romney wants to stop spending money on health clinics and planned parent hood but if that goes through you can bet that the positive numbers now will go way back up to where they were or worse. He also doesnt want new health care plans to cover or pay a large percentage of birth control for these teens. 

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