Sunday, February 19, 2012

Initial Blog US Political Issues

I would like to start by stating the category in which i was placed for the quiz. I am a twenty two year old male from Dallas, Texas. The quiz categorised me as a Liberal. Mainly, the quiz states that I believe we need government to fight poverty as well as expand government programs to bring about equality. According to the quiz I am defined as a progressive in the US, but generally favor the retention of the current social paradigm. I was raised in a conservative household and brought up with "right" influence. I question the accuracy of the quiz but these were the results in summary none the less.

I feel the quiz was accurate on a few minor aspects but missed the main suits. I believe that the government needs work but not much expansion or growth. I do not believe the government should work towards making everyone equal as far as money is concerned. This country is based on the idea that your life is what you make of it. The man that earns more should have more and rightfully so.

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