Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Commentary on classmates blog

It is an unfortunate case that should bring about new awareness to schools policies on supervision or even security. Obviously girls and boys around this age are just as capable of murder or firing a gun as an adult even though justice cannot be done because they are still only children in the grand scheme of things. Of course the mother would be upset losing a daughter but unfortunately at such a young age a typical punishment for other similar cases is time in a juvenile detention center. It is not fair but that is the law and the system we use I our country. Again, the important thing to get out of this horrible case is that something needs to be done to prevent it from happening in the future. We all need to learn from mistakes and flaws in our systems so that something like this can be avoided in the future. I agree that children should be escorted in and out of schools but that is not practiced nor are there any laws that enforce anything like this. When I was eleven I walked to school so I can understand how the opportunity for this fight to came about. But, that still doesn’t make it right. Our public education system compared to other countries is considered a fairly good program but that is in a separate category as far as ranking. We have a shockingly high percentage of incidences such as Joanna’s case as well as other cases related to drugs or weapons among our children in our school systems. I don’t know if I would go as far as to say the school is to blame because not everything can be prevented unless we put into action laws that require teachers to watch children entering and exiting before and after school. I would definitely agree that the school would be to blame if these laws were enforced at the time of the incident. The student should most definitely be charged in one form or another. If children aren’t punished for something this serious they will never learn. She should be punished in the most severe manner without a doubt because taking a life is horrific crime.  I also agree that some systems in our government need to be revised and altered. If it were my child I would want justice but at the same time I’ve lost friends and family to violence and know that no matter what the consequences are for the defendant no punishment will right the wrong done.

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